Upgrade to Customization Manager 4

Customization Manager 4.0.0 adds a number of new features, such as postinstall scripts, test data fixture support, and improved version detection. It also has an improved interface that makes managing customizations easier.

If you’re running an older version of Customization Manager, you probably installed it from a module file. Once installed from a module file, Customization Manager can upgrade itself. This is the easiest path to upgrade.

If you’d rather install the module file again manually, see the instructions in the Upgrade with Module File section instead.

Upgrade with Customization Manager

To get Customization Manager to manager and upgrade itself, install the expip package:

  1. Open Customization Manager.
  2. Select the expip package.
  3. Click Install or Upgrade.

That’s it. Customization Manager is now fully upgraded and the Desktop environment fixed up.

Upgrade with Module File

When upgrading from a previous version of Customization Manager, a new icon will be created on the desktop. For users that are upgrading, this will result in two identical icons, only one of which will work.

To avoid this situation, remove the existing icon before performing the upgrade. To remove the existing icon:

  1. Navigate to Extender –> Setup –> Scripts.
  2. Highlight the EXPIP_poplar.py file. Right click and select Add to Desktop.
  3. A window with the desktop tree is displayed. Expand Extender –> Setup.
  4. Highlight the Customization Manager icon. Push the Delete (Del) key on your keyboard to remove the icon.
  5. Do not use the Save or Cancel buttons in this step! Close the window using the close X in the title bar.


If you accidentally close the window using a button, fear not, no harm has been done. However, you’ll have to repeat the process from the beginning.

  1. When prompted, save your changes to the desktop layout.
  2. Before closing the Scripts panel, highlight the EXPIP_poplar.py file, and push the Delete (Del) key on your keyboard to delete it - it will be replaced with a new script under a different name.
  3. Close all windows and restart Sage.

Once the icon is removed, you’re free to upgrade Customization Manager by installing the new version of the module, or selecting the expip customization in Customization Manager and upgrading it.